A Quiet Respite


“My home and studio are located just outside of Sedona, Arizona,” says Christine Debrosky. “As much as I love to paint the red rocks, other places sing to me as well. Not far from where I live, a large riparian area offers a change from the famous russet vistas. Situated along the banks of the Verde River, tall cottonwood and sycamore trees, dark undergrowth, and a carpet of lush grasses create a restful verdant space.

“AM Meadow” (pastel, 8 x 11 in.)

“I like to visit in the early morning or late afternoon — the golden hour. With the sun shining through the amber leaves and casting lacy patterns on the graceful fronds, the place takes on a unique kind of drama. I especially like capturing the rim lighting, and light and shadow patterns of backlit subjects. I painted AM Meadow in the early morning, just as sunlight broke through the thick growth. The dew on the grasses sparkled subtly, birds were singing, and there was a light breeze. Whenever I’m there, I’m a happy camper.”

Christine Debrosky paints along the Verde River.

No matter what subject lights your creative fire, you’ll find plenty to inspire you at the 3rd Annual Pastel Live August 17-19, 2023, with a Beginner’s Day on August 16. 


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