Plein Air Pastel > Let the Viewer Decide


This week, the highly anticipated 5th Annual Plein Air Live included two of our favorite pastel landscape painters: Natasha Isenhour and Lisa Skelly.

If you missed this event, join us with even more of today’s best pastel artists sharing all of their secrets, explaining their materials, methods, and more at Pastel Live, September 18-20, 2024 (with an Essential Techniques Day on September 17). There, we’ll enjoy demos and sessions with Albert Handell, Carol Peebles, Alain Picard, and more!

Here’s a glimpse at Natasha and Lisa’s recent demos:

From Natasha Isenhour's plein air pastel demonstration
From Natasha Isenhour’s plein air pastel demonstration

Oil and pastel artist Natasha Isenhour is a contemporary American painter. For Plein Air Live this year, she created a scene using pastels on location from a wildlife refuge in New Mexico. She prefers to give viewers a variety of places to look within the painting, rather than having a single focal point. “Let the viewer decide,” she said.

Pastel painting by Natasha Isenhour
Pastel painting by Natasha Isenhour


From Lisa Skelly's plein air pastel demonstration
From Lisa Skelly’s plein air pastel demonstration

Lisa Skelly, plein air pastel painter and owner of Huse Skelly Gallery, joined us with an outdoor demo from Laguna Beach on Essential Techniques Day of Plein Air Live. Fittingly, her session focused on how to paint the beautiful waves and surf, with a focus on composition, value structure, and shapes.

Lisa Skelly, "Harbor Sunrise," pastel, 6 x 12 in.
Lisa Skelly, “Harbor Sunrise,” pastel, 6 x 12 in.

The next Live online event is September 18-20, 2024 with Pastel Live. Join us then to be with fellow painters online for days of demonstrations, Q&A with your favorite artists, mingling during the breakout rooms and cocktail hours, and the incredible faculty painting auction.


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