
It’s Friday which means it’s time to ask another Advisory Board member the question. This time we have Michele Ashby on board to answer:

What pastel stick (colour and brand) can you not do without?

The simple answer?

Faber Castell 270 pastel pencil and Unison Colour A25


Unison Colour Pastel A25 and Faber Castell 270 pastel pencil
Unison Colour Pastel A25 and Faber Castell 270 pastel pencil


Ah yes, you’ll notice that TWO are mentioned! So let’s dig in to why they’re both so important to Michele Ashby’s palette.

“The pastel I couldn’t do without is the Faber Castell 270 pastel pencil. It is a warm light grey tone and I find it essential whether I’m working in black and white or colour. 


Michele Ashby, "I’m so f***ing over it," pastel, 30 x 21 cm - detail. The Faber Castell 270 pencil in action!
Michele Ashby, “I’m so f***ing over it,” pastel, 30 x 21 cm – detail. The Faber Castell 270 pencil in action!


Michele Ashby, "I’m so f***ing over it," pastel, 30 x 21 cm.
Michele Ashby, “I’m so f***ing over it,” pastel, 30 x 21 cm.


I find the brand Faber Castell a great workhorse of a pastel pencil brand, they sharpen well, meaning they are great for those tiny details that I love to create and are robust in the toolbox as a pastel artist. 

I often use this particular colour to draw out my initial sketch as well as using it for blocking in larger areas. 


Michele Ashby, "Eden," pastel, 52 x 35 cm.
Michele Ashby, “Eden,” pastel, 52 x 35 cm. The finished pastel shows the background that I achieved using the Unison Colour pastel as a blocking in tool before I applied other colours on top for more depth.


I tend to do this alongside another I can’t do without which is the Unison Colour A25 as it’s pretty much the equivalent tone as a soft pastel stick and I use this as a very light layer when blocking in.


Michele Ashby, "Jamel," pastel, 60 x 40 cm - detail. I use one pastel on top of the other Unison Colour A25 first then the Faber Castell 270 to create the smooth finish I like.
Michele Ashby, “Jamel,” pastel, 60 x 40 cm – detail. I use one pastel on top of the other Unison Colour A25 first then the Faber Castell 270 to create the smooth finish I like.


Michele Ashby, "Jamel," pastel, 60 x 40 cm.
Michele Ashby, “Jamel,” pastel, 60 x 40 cm.


The other way I often use the Faber Castell 270 is by gently brushing over my work to coax one colour to another to create a blended area rather than using blenders or my fingers.”


Michele Ashby, "Escape to the Blue," pastel, 34 x 31 cm. This painting shows how I used the Faber Castell 270 to give texture to the wall of the staircase creating a rough finish to the walls.
Michele Ashby, “Escape to the Blue,” pastel, 34 x 31 cm. This painting shows how I used the Faber Castell 270 to give texture to the wall of the staircase creating a rough finish to the walls.


Ohh I loved seeing how Michele’s fav Faber Castell pencil comes into play. There’s nothing like getting a peek into an artist’s process. 

And by the way, Michele Ashby is on this year’s Pastel Live Faculty! I can’t wait to see what she teaches!

And that’s it for this time,



PS. I wrote about Michele’s painting “Jamel” in one of my earlier monthly round-ups on my own blog. Click here to read it.


The Deadline Is Monday So Hurry!


The Philadelphia Pastel Society has a Call for Entries for their open juried national exhibition. The deadline is 11th July – that’s Monday! And to sweeten the pot, there’s $4500 in cash awards. The juror of selection is Liz Haywood Sullivan, IAPS/EP, PSA-MP and the judge of awards is Dawn Emerson, PSA.

Click here for the Prospectus.

Then go to enter here. Get on it! Do it this weekend! There’s very little time left.


Philadelphia Pastel Society Call for Entries


Calling all Pastel Societies!! Feel free to email me your Call for Entry notices and also your online exhibitions. Let’s spread the word!

And if you hear of any story that you think would be good for every pastellist to read, be sure to let me know about it!


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