Are you excited to attend Pastel Live 2022??? I sure am! Here are six tips to get the most out of this online virtual event:
- Make sure to have paper, lots of it.
You could use a notebook or a journal. What I like to use is a sketchbook where I can write notes and sketch ideas. If you’re a computer notetaker, do that if your screen is large enough. Otherwise, I suggest sticking with a good old pen and paper. If you’re going to paint along with a demo, make sure you have all your art supplies ready.
2. Be Food Ready!
Have meals planned and healthy snacks on hand. You want to resist the urge to reach for a choc chip cookie or some potato chips. Sometimes I find that really difficult to do! Also, remember to stay hydrated. Have a water bottle close at hand. This is super important especially if you’re drinking caffeinated coffee to keep you going.
3. Minimize Distractions
To get the most out of Pastel Live, be fully focused on the event. Treat it as if you were going to an in-person workshop where, generally, you’re not going to be on email or taking calls or making lunch for your partner or kids or parents. Let everyone know this is a serious commitment that will help you on your art journey. Put a Do-Not-Disturb sign on your door!
4. Move Your Body
Whether you’re sitting at your computer or standing at your easel, make sure to move around every hour. Take short breaks and march on the spot and do some arm circles – get your blood flowing and the oxygen pumping! Do some torso twists and side bends. Maybe a few yoga moves. Take a short walk around the block.
5. Get involved!
Participate in breakout rooms and meet others on a similar journey as yourself. If you’re shy, it’s easy not to click the button and go into a “room” but believe me, you won’t regret it!
Join the private Pastel Live Facebook group. Introduce yourself. Post what you’ve painted. Tell us about your biggest aha moments. Share these on your own social media as well. Be sure to add the hashtag #pastellive.
Use the Chat option to ask the demonstrators questions while they’re presenting. They are there to help! Share your thoughts with other attendees. Generate energy and excitement and connection!
Join in the Cocktail Hour paint-alongs. It’s your time to put a bit of pastel to paper, sip on a beverage of your choice, and join in the FUN!
6. Schedule time to watch the replays.
These are gold! You get to see what you missed AND you have a chance to rewatch the demos you loved! It’s so easy to miss watching the recordings once the event has ended. Schedule time in your calendar. Stick a post-it note reminder where you will see it.
Each day is a long one packed solid with amazing info. Pace yourself. Remember you don’t have to watch every demo live. You have the replays for at least seven days.
Now let’s go enjoy!
It’s Takeover Time at Pastel Today!
Meet Cherie Dawn Haas. She’s going to be emailing you every day (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday) with highlights from each day of Pastel Live.
I so appreciate her doing this because she has a busy life! Check it out:
Cherie Dawn is the Editor and Online Content Manager for the Plein Air Today newsletter and, home of Plein Air Magazine. She’s also the Editor for the Fine Art Today newsletter and, home of Fine Art Connoisseur magazine. And if that’s not enough, she also edits the Realism Today newsletter and
Okay, a couple of fun facts about our girl.
Cherie Dawn is the author of a novel (Girl on Fire) and a book of poetry (Personified). And, whoa, she used to be a fire eater! Gulp!
You can still get tickets to Pastel Live 2022!! Just click HERE and you’ll be whisked away to the Pastel Live info and purchase page.
Join me and 24 other artists as we demonstrate the joy and wonder that is PASTEL!
And that’s it for this time 😀