“I like to make small plein air studies when I travel,” says UK artist Richard Suckling. “This October, my wife and I stopped in Western Brittany, France, after a busy week at Le Grand Atelier du Pastel, a bi-annual celebration of pastel. The gently sweeping beach of Saint Jacques strewn with red seaweed made a fine subject. The light was beginning to fade so time was of the essence. I pulled out a small sheet of pastel card and a newly acquired set of 50 French pastels that were begging for a test drive and got to work. I blocked in the basic composition making full use of the Z-shaped lead into the distant headland with the sunlit houses capturing the last of the sun’s rays. I worked largely from dark to light, gently elevating the colors for the effect I wanted to achieve. After about a half an hour, we headed off for dinner with the memento tucked safely in my portfolio. This simple study captures the spirit of the place more than a hastily taken cell phone snap ever could.”