A Monochrome Exercise To Strengthen Your Skills


“I often use this simple monochrome exercise at the start of a pastel class,” says Felicity House.

“The idea is to shed color for a few moments and work in either black and white, or grades of a single color.

Felicity House - Monochrome Charcoal 1
Felicity House – Charcoal 1

“It reminds you that tone (value) is as important as color in creating an interesting image, and also to use interesting and lively marks in your pastels: 

  • Drawn marks
  • Rubbed marks 
  • Erased marks
  • Thin and thick pastel marks
  • Fine graphic marks
  • Soft marks 
  • Bold strong marks 

“Using a viewfinder to select a small composition which has a range of tones from dark to light is important. It helps you think about your composition and the edges of your image.”


Felicity House - Monochrome Charcoal 2
Felicity House – Charcoal 2

“On cartridge paper, tape off a square or rectangle with masking tape then:

  • prepare the panel with a gently rubbed dry ‘wash’ of charcoal to create a mid-tone
  • look through the viewfinder of the corresponding format – square/rectangle
  • find an interesting composition with a range of tones
  • translate the composition with a charcoal stick drawing
  • add tones by hatching and rubbing, strengthening for darks
  • subtract highlights by erasing with putty rubber or plastic eraser wedge
  • check tonal range – add darker marks if necessary
  • look for and include textures by using graphic marks
  • remove tape carefully.
Felicity House - Monochrome Charcoal 3
Felicity House – Charcoal 3

“Or, work in a similar way using one pastel color to create a monochrome piece.

Felicity House - Pastel monochrome 1
Felicity House – Pastel monochrome 1


“On paper, tape off a square or rectangle with masking tape then:

  • prepare the panel with a light layer of white pastel
  • and a layer of your chosen pastel colour (monochrome eg. blue)
  • look through the viewfinder of the corresponding format – square /rectangle 
  • draw composition with pastel pencil
  • add tones by hatching and rubbing in with pastel – strengthening for darks
  • subtract highlights by erasing with putty rubber or plastic eraser wedge
  • check tonal range – add darker marks if necessary
  • remove tape carefully
Felicity House - Pastel monochrome 2
Felicity House – Pastel monochrome 2
Felicity House - Pastel monochrome 3
Felicity House – Pastel monochrome 3

Paint with top world-class artists Albert Handell, Karen Margulis, and Aaron Schuerr at the Plein Air Convention & Expo in the Great Smoky Mountains in May!


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