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Finding your style: Getty Image from unsplash - Feature
Five resources for finding your style. Plus two pastel Honourable Award winners from Noveember 2022 PleinAir Salon.
Painting Trees: Richard Suckling, "Cornish Trees," pastels on Sennelier La Carte Pastel Card, 39 x 33cm - detail
Richard Suckling offers a way to make it easier to paint trees from photos. Plus, Carlson’s words on painting trees.
Christopher Copeland, "November Moonrise," pastel, 11x14 in. - Detail
Christopher Copeland shares the inspiration behind his winning painting, “November Moonrise.” Plus, a powerful seascape by Jane McGraw-Teubner.
Pastel takeover - jump for joy! Photo credit: Austin Schmid of Unsplash
A review of the five pastel paintings that took awards in the October PleinAir Salon. Plus, how to use the search function on Pastel Today.
Michele Ashby, "Breath," pastel on anthracite Pastelmat, 12 x 12 in - detail
Advisory Board member Michele Ashby shares how to use the grid method. Plus how to become a Pastel Today Ambassador!
paintings of spiral staircases - Michele Ashby, "Aldeburgh Beach Lookout," pastel, 40 x 40 cm
To celebrate National Take the Stairs Day, Michele Ashby shares her collection of paintings of spiral staircases. Plus Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase (No.2).
Best Floral - Marcia Holmes, "Rainbow Water Lilies," pastel, 30 x 24 in, October 2022 Best Floral - Detail
Marcia Holmes, the winner of the Best Floral Award in October's PleinAir Salon, shares the inspiration behind her winning painting and offers an excellent suggestion for entering shows. So do enter the PleinAir Salon's January competition!
Casey Klahn, "Rembrandt Lighting," 2015, pastel on Canson Mi-Teintes paper, 15 3/4 x 11 3/4 in. Detail
Casey Klahn shares how he uses memory as a source of inspiration. Plus Sargent and Spain exhibition.
Painting snow - Tom Christopher, "Winter Waterway," pastel, no size given. Detail HM Dakota Q4 Established Artist category - feature image
Three winning paintings of snow from the fourth quarter Dakota Art Pastels competition. Plus how to prepare for painting snow on location.
Barbara Berry, "New Year's Nap," pastel, 11 x 14 in. October 2022 Best Animals and Birds Award
Winner Barbara Berry tells us about her inspiration for this piece and has advice for those entering the PleinAir Salon competitions. Plus, Make sure to VOTE!

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